Weeve Help Center

Welcome Weever. We hope you're enjoying a new way to learn languages. We get asked lots of questions about Weeve, so we've collected the answers for you below to help you get the most from your experience with Weeve.

How do I set up Weeve?

You can cancel your subscription at any time through your account settings portal. You can access this portal from within the chrome extension menu, or by logging in on the Weeve website. Click here to access the login portal.

Can you use Weeve on mobile?

Currently, Weeve is a Chrome extension and is designed for use on desktop browsers. However we are always actively investigating new opportunities and avenues to bring exciting language learning tools to people all over the world.

How do I block Weeve on specific websites?

You can cancel your subscription at any time through your account settings portal. You can access this portal from within the chrome extension menu, or by logging in on the Weeve website. Click here to access the login portal.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time through your account settings portal. You can access this portal from within the chrome extension menu, or by logging in on the Weeve website. Click here to access the login portal.

How does Weeve respect my privacy?

All of Weeve's language magic happens exclusively on your end. This is known as 'client-side processing'. We also do not sell or share your data with any third parties. In fact your data is encrypted and anonymised, so we couldn't snoop on you even if we wanted (which we don't). You can view our privacy policy here.

Does Weeve work on browsers other than chrome?

Weeve is currently available to use on all of the main browsers available. However, it is currently optimised for google chrome, and is currently in a beta process on other browsers. We are a small team, and are working hard to optimise it across browsers, so if you see a bug please don't hesitate to report it to us.

When are you adding the language I want to learn?

It is our goal as language enthusiasts to bring an exciting breadth and width of languages to Weeve, in order to promote and engage people in a range of rich cultures. We are currently allowing users to vote on the languages they would most like to see, you can vote here.

Why am I seeing mistakes in the translations?

Weeve is a developing product that is constantly updating and improving. Our translation system continually improves as more errors are reported and accounted for. If you see an error in the translation please press the bug button in the hover tile. This will allow you to suggest improvements which will be incorporated in future.

How can I report bugs or errors to improve Weeve?

There is a report button nested inside the tile that appears when you hover a weeved word. It looks like a little insect. If you press that button you will see a menu which allows you to give details on the nature of the issue you're seeing.

Still have questions?

We're always happy to chat with people who are interested in language learning. Please hit the red bubble located on the bottom right corner of your screen to open up a chat with us.